Heartfelt Harmonies mission…

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) affects 374,000 people annually; of these 23,000, are youth under the age of 18 (AHA Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics.) Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are life-saving devices that can triple a person’s chance of survival by analyzing the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, can deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.

While AEDs are critical devices and should be readily available in public spaces where people gather, studies have found that disadvantaged socio-economic areas are less likely to have access to these devices. Heartfelt Harmonies donates AEDs to places where purchasing an AED places a financial burden and accessibility to urgent medical care can be limited; our goal is to help save lives.

Help us make a difference in reducing fatalities from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and reduce socioeconomic disparities in OHCA care by supporting our mission of providing AED to support organizations in underserved communities. Heartfelt Harmonies, mission is centered on providing life-saving Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to nonprofit organizations that support youth and their families in underprivileged communities.

It is our belief that everyone should be treated equally and have access to good healthcare. We partner with after-care agencies, homeless shelters, meal centers, and residential facilities that operate with limited funding.

Research has shown that deploying a defibrillator within 3–5 minutes of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%.

Accessible AED devices save lives!